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Nnodim-kelechi AmadiOha.

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  • Nnodim-kelechi AmadiOha.
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    Nnodim-kelechi AmadiOha.

    8 months ago

    Nwa Anwú-Anwú-Anwú.

    An Ode Noono na Mbu Na Adu Nnanyi/Nnayi
    Dedicated To Ndi Ígbó na Ala/Ana/Ani Igbo.
    Ebe Anwú shí awa úgbóchí ówúla/óbúla/ówúna/óbúna.

    May I liken thee to the sun?
    Who we are Ndi Igbo can be understood as light.
    It touches all things and it is not spent.
    The same light that we see on leaves,
    Are the same ones that we see on faces.
    The light from the sun is the tree
    And our faces as we see them.
    It may seem different from the people and things that we observe.
    But it the reason why they are.
    It is present even within the space through which we see things.
    It simply is of its own.
    Giving permission for all to be perceived mentally.
    Should I compare it to a canvas that creates space for a painting to be,
    Or the energy around planets holding them in place?

    So you understand how funny it is for onye Ígbó to say that they are looking for ike outside of himself or herself.
    Or dare I someone to offer them salvation-ashi na aghúgho.
    simply because it we mistakenly view ourselves from the understanding of other people that are not Igbo n’ala/ana/ani ocha maowu/ala/ana/ani oji. Simply because anyanwu landed on an object that the mind deems desirable and precious based on a non-Igbo way of doing things. Maka owudu naani ihe/ishe/ife/ive onye maowu/maobu ndi nwere/nwele/nwene/nwelu; o wu/bu ote na ihe/ishe/ife/ive onye/ndi mere/mele/mene/melu ha/wa/fa/va jiri/jili/jini nweta ya wu/bu ihe/ishe/ife/ive.

    Ndi Ígbó enwedu/enweghi/enwero/enwelo/enweno eze.
    Chi wu/bu Eze.
    Nke onye Ígbó owula/obula/owuna/obuna nwere/nwele/nwene/nwelu.
    Maka o wú/bú Akara-aka ónye na-dú ya.
    Akara aka Ndí Igbó na-dú ha/wa/fa/va.

    For this reason, we will not misunderstood ourselves anymore.
    And neither dislike who we are nor caused ourselves any kind of pain.
    Ezshiokwu/Eziokwu wu/b Nd.

    N’ihi/shi/ifi/ivi ezshiokwu/eziokwu na amamihe/amamishe/amamife/amamive e nwerele/nwerene/nwelugo/nwelego onod na ndú Ndi Ígbó úgbúa.
    Na o wú/bú úwa Ndi Okpú na Ndi Egede ka anyi na je.

    The end is not a process that is only available to a select few;
    Because we all are the few selected.
    It happens in that moment when we are Ndi Igbo.
    Na anyi wú/bú úmú Ndi Mbú.
    Na Ndi Nne-nne anyi ha/wa/fa/va na Ndi Nna-nna anyi ha/wa/fa/va
    Sivili úmú úwa ose.
    I ji nwee/wee ike keeputa Ijite ose.

    We are not the thoughts or emotions as cultivated and expressed by others Ndi na wúdú/wúghi/wro/wlo/wuno Ndi Ígbó.
    Uwa ndi na zúdú/zúghi/zúro/zúlo oke awúdú/awúghi/awúro/awúlo/awúno wa Ndi Igbo zúrú/zúlú/zúnú oke.
    Anyi nwere/nwele/nwene/nwelú Chi ma nwee Oke Chi.

    Watch the dance of life in the world of those that were created physically, thoughtfully, emotionally, and spiritually.
    But do not become them.
    If you do, know that a lie has been unknowingly accepted to be true. Which would be simply removed.
    Onye chefú, Chi ga e chetera/chetala/chetana/chetalú ya.
    O no Nnoo.
    Maka Chi Onye Ígbó na gbara/gbala/gbana/gbalú ya ama.

    N’ihi na ófó na ógú n’ Ókíke na anyí wú Ndí Ígbó gbara/gbala/gbana/gbalu Ndú.
    Ígbó any/ayi wú/bú e nwedú/nweghi/nwero/nwelo/nweno atú-Orú/Olú na Mmiri/Mmili/Mmini.
    And it is without the confines of all lingual expressions.

    Ó wú/bú ya mere/mele/mene/melú Ígbó Jírí/jílí/jíní kwú sí
    Mmadú, wú/bú Mma Ndù.

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A wu mu nwa Elei. O wudu Ele.Mmanu, Nze, Ofu-Ora, Ozo, Celestin Nnodim-kelechi Amadioha






Ise No Na Ise.

Ise Ri Na Ise.






Tupu gi guo ihe/ishe/ife/ive owula/obula/owuna/obuna mu dere/dele/delu/dene, na e dee nke putara/putala/putalu/putana nke  owula/obula/owuna/obuna mu kere/kele/kelu/kene, na e kee, ga e kee, ebe a maowu/maobu ebe ozo owula/obula/owuna/obuna, nwete

0. Ndi na nwedu/nweghi/nwero/nweghi/nwelo/nweno Obi, puo na INNI/IRNI.

1. Ola-edo,

2. Ola-ocha,

3. Igwe,

4. Obi-osi-odi-ayi/anyi,

5. Mmanyi oku e ji, Ji na Ede mee,

6. Lee ma Nn/Gi, i nwekwere/nwekele/nwekelu/nwekwene NTU maobu UTU: nke na so gi ya wuru/wulu/wunu na i wu/bu oke maobu nwayi. Nke gi onwe gi. O wudu/wughi/wuro/wulo/wuno nke onye ozo.

7.  Ma Lee ma onye gi na ya na-eme ihe/ishe/ife/ive o nwekwere/nwekele/nwekelu/nwekwene NTU maobu UTU: nke na so ya rika/dika oke maobu nwayi. Nke onye ahu/ashu/afu/avu, na wudu nke onye ozo: nke ga wu/bu oshi, aru.

8. Onye owula/obula/owuna/obuna na yo mmeenu/mmaanu/mmeedu/mmaadu OFO maowu/maobu Ogu abiakwala/abiakwana na ihe/ishe/ife/ive mu na-eme; wu/bu ISE-No-NA-ISE: INNI. Maowurukwanu/Maoburukwanu ote ndu Ezshi ebe mu shi bia uwa nwekwere/nwekwele/nwekwene ike i kwu Ise-Ri-NA-ISE-IRNI.

9. Na otu ihe/ishe/ife/ive ndi ezshi/ezi n'ulo unu ji ama onye wu/bu mmeenu/mmaanu/mmeedu/mmaadu/mmeedi/mmaadi.

10. Kpa ihe/ishe/ife/ive niile mu si nwete aka nke onwe gi. Ya wuru/wulu/wunu na o wu onye ozo onye ahu/ashu/afu/avu kpa ya nke onwe ya. Gi lee ma o nwere/nwele/nwelu/nwene NTU maobu UTU ote Ana shi cho. Mgbe o kpachara/kpatala/kpatalu/kpachana ihe/ishe/ife/ive ndi mu dere maka ya.

Ma ya wuru/wulu/wunu na i na acho i zshi onye ozo.  O ka Ayi/Anyi Ndi Igbo puo daabaa na o ji ukwu abuo aga ije rika mmi/mu o kweshiri/kweshili/kweshilu/kweshini i wu mmeenu/mmanu/mmeedi/mmaadi na anya nkiti mana nzuzo o wudu/wughi/wuro/wulo/wuno.

11. Onye/Ndi na enwedu akara-aka, abiakwala/abiakwara/abiakwana na Ise-No-Na-Ise, INNI/IRNI.

Mgbe e ji e eshi ote ahu/ashu/afu/avu akpa agwa a gaalaa. Uga Azi agaageelee.

Naani, Onye Igbo (Okwu-Ma-Ete/Okwi-Ma-Ete/Akwu-Ma-Ete/Akwi-Ma-Ete) nwere/nwele/nwelu/nwene agburu/agbulu/agbunu ruru/rulu/lulu/nunu Ma-Otu/Iri na otu-shite n'oge a Ogu-Okpukpu na ogu na ano; ga emeli ISe-NO-Na-ISe.

Na Ndi umu Nnee ayi/anyi na Umu Nnaa ayi/anyi wukwa/bukwa Ndi Okwu-Ma-Ete/Okwi-Ma-Ete/Akwu-Ma-Ete/Akwi-Ma-Ete ga emeli INNI, na uzo nghota ha/fa/wa/va shi di shitekwa na agburu/agbulu/agbunu ha/fa/wa/va.

Onye na so Mmanu Nri, Okpote, anu ehi/eshi/efi/evi, azu maobu ihe/ishe/ife/ive owula/obula/obuna/owuna Ndi Igbo aka ha/fa/wa/va di ocha n'ihe/ishe/ife/ive mana nzuzo ji mere/mele/melu/mene nri abiakwala/abiakwana na ihe/ishe/ife/ive owula/obula/owuna/obuna mu na eme.

o ji cheleku ezee anwu: o so Ijite Ete Mmini Ora, o so Ijite Ete Mmiri Ijite Otule anadu/anaghi/anaro/analo/anano eme INNI maobu IRNI.

Onye Na Chi Ya.

Onye Na Oke Chi ya.

Onye Na Ihe/Ishe/Ife/Ive Uwa Ya.

Onye Na Onye Uwa ya.

Onye Na EzumaEzu Ya.

Onye Na Agbaree no n'Ukwu Nnee ya.

Onye Na Agbaraa no n'ukwu Nnaa Ya.

Onye Na Agbaree no n'Ukwu Nnaa ya.

Onye Na Agbaraa no n'Ukwua Nnaa Ya.

Ayi/Anyi niile na Ise-No-Na-Ise.


Onye owula/obula/owuna/obuna, ihe/ishe/ife/ive owula/obula/owuna/obuna na-enwedu/enweghi/enwero/enwelo/enwero Chi, puo na ihe/ishe/ife/ive niile mu na-eme, ebe owula/obula/owuna/obuna, nga owula/owuna/obula/obuna.

Ihe/Ishe/Ife/Ive mu na-eme agbasadu Mgba-ashi, Ogboma/Amogba umu ha/fa/wa/va maowu/maobu ndi na ta/e ri amosu. Ochichiri na Ehihie ada kpo ihu.

Onye, Ihe/Ishe/Ife/Ive owula/obula/owuna/obuna na eri/eli/eni amu maobu/maowu uhu mmaadu maowu/maobu mmeedu shi na ihe/ishe/ife/ive IRNI/INNI.


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